Choosing a bag of milk a good choice, however.

By 8:48 PM


  Choosing a bag of milk a good choice, however.

      Now a range of milk bags for mothers to choose from. Both are produced from domestic and imported primary to choose milk storage bags. It should include the following:
      1. Shape convenience store. By placing in the refrigerator and freezer common and freezer
      2. bags are thicker to prevent leakage.
      3. Turn off easy with a thick bag for the air to pass out. And easy pouring milk
      4. The plastic bag must be secure. sterilized no hazardous additives to plastics.
      5. Write the top to be able to write at the pump comes on.
      6. Limit the amount of milk in bags to be observed.

     When the milk bag and seal the bag tightly to prevent air into the bag. Write down the date and time stamping on the bag. Then placed in the freezer. Now you will not stock milk that is ready for the ball. When you have to go outside.


    Breast milk laid dormant The separation between water and fat. Shake before their children eat. Heated up it will help to homogenize milk again

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